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吉利控股集团董事长 李书福

4月25日-27日,备受瞩目的2018中国汽车论坛在北京隆重召开。本届论坛主题为“新时代、新趋势、新策略——聚焦汽车产业高质量发展”。本次论坛由闭门峰会、大会论坛、九个主题论坛和三个同期活动组成。在4月26日上午举办的大会论坛上,吉利控股集团董事长 李书福发表了题为“仰望星空,脚踏实地,主动适应汽车新时代”的精彩演讲。以下为演讲实录:
  Dear leaders, distinguished guests, and friends
  Hello Everybody! Today, car brands from all over the world have gathered in China to showcase their latest products, technologies, and services. The rationale behind this year’s Beijing Auto Show theme of “Defining the New Life of the Automobile,” is that the auto industry is facing unprecedented challenges, including disruptive changes brought about by new technologies, more stringent government regulations, and ongoing mergers and acquisitions which is setting the stage for the reorganization of the industry.  
  In the past 20 years, the automotive industry has promoted survival of the fittest. Companies spared no effort in reducing costs, improving operational efficiency, reducing the number of platforms, improving labor productivity. Inefficient brands or those with lack of scale have gradually disappeared, including famous ones like Pontiac, Daewoo, Rover, Saab, Oldsmobile, Mercury, and Saturn. Instead challengers have come from those with new business models; from Didi to Uber, Waymo to Tesla. Of course, these new challengers still need time to achieve success and truly develop the ability to survive and develop sustainably, but it’s just a matter of time until they do.
  In less than a generation’s time, a number of new brands have emerged from the Chinese market, the largest in the world. These include brands established by technology startups, such as NIO. Traditional Chinese car makers are already struggling to maintain market share, including many that have established joint-ventures with foreign brands. There are currently 185 million cars in China with annual sales expected to exceed 30 million.
  然而,我们并不能依靠中国市场的销量增长来抵消新入品牌和颠覆性技术在世界各地带来的挑战。中国正面临着与北美和西欧等成熟市场类似的问题。我们正在与交通拥堵和污染做斗争:中国有35个城市拥有一百万辆以上的汽车,这些车辆都在有限的道路上争夺空间。法规越来越严格:中国政府规定,到 2025年,低排放的新能源汽车的销量占比至少为20%。中国消费者同样也希望能获得类似于其他市场正在开发的更清洁、更智能化及具备互联基础设施支持的汽车产品。
  We cannot rely on sales growth in the Chinese market to offset the challenges posed by new brands and disruptive technologies around the world. China is facing the same problems as mature markets such as North America and Europe. We are struggling with traffic jams and pollution. China has 35 cities with more than a million cars that compete for space on limited roads. Regulations are increasingly strict. The Chinese government stipulates that by 2025, sales of low-emission new energy vehicles must account for 20% of sales. Chinese consumers are also hoping to get cleaner, smarter, connected infrastructure that is being developed in other countries.
  The thriving Chinese market is not a panacea and cannot solve all the problems faced by the global auto industry. Therefore, Chinese auto brands need to think beyond national borders. Zhejiang Geely Holding Group recognized this early. Founded in 1997, ZGH has grown into China’s largest privately owned automotive group. We are not only reshaping our domestic market, we’ve are also actively expanding overseas.
  The most successful example of our overseas expansion is the successful transformation of Volvo Cars. We acquired Volvo Cars from Ford in 2010. Since then, Volvo has found its own way with the combined efforts of all its employees and management. It has grown continuously overseas, including the establishment of manufacturing in China, increased operations, exports, and globally synergy. In 2013, we acquired the iconic London Taxi Company, later renamed London Electric Vehicle Company which has developed production capability for electric taxis in a new UK factory. Last year, we took a stake in Malaysia’s Proton Motors, taking full responsibility of its operation and management. We have also become the controlling shareholder in the famed British sports car brand, Lotus.
  At the end of 2017, we acquired a 8.2% stake in Sweden’s Volvo AB, a commercial vehicle maker, becoming its largest shareholder and holding 15.6% of its voting rights. Volvo Cars and Volvo AB were originally one company, which split in 1999. Our latest overseas investment was the acquisition of 9.69% of Daimler, becoming its largest shareholder. The founders of Daimler pioneered the internal combustion engine over a century ago.
  But now the future of the internal combustion engine is uncertain and new technologies are being developed with the power to completely reshape the industry. Looking ahead, the automotive industry must think of new ways to collaborate and innovate. No company can do it alone. Consulting company McKinsey recently released a report that stated with that advent of new automotive technologies, the industry inherent business model, customers’ needs, and the nature of competition has changed drastically. Everyone in the industry needs to think carefully and reposition themselves in this new environment.
  In order to meet the challenges ahead and reduce risks among industry players, strategic initiatives between companies need to be formed. We recently made investments in Daimler and Volvo AB. These two companies, like us, are considering how to deal with disruptive technologies and ever-changing challenges to their products. We must develop online digital technology solutions based on our consolidated advantages as manufacturers. At the same time in this transitional era,   we believe more companies need to collaborate on the development of future technologies and common systems. These collaborations can be accomplished without affecting the independence of each company, and in a law-abiding, transparent manner. This kind of collaboration wont affect the strategic autonomy of each company or result in anti-monopoly reviews.
  Our experience in managing Volvo Cars, have taught us to protect the independence of individual brands and products. In the automotive industry, joint-ventures and cooperation in a market-oriented manner is not uncommon. As long as all laws and regulations are followed, bilateral and multilateral cooperation providing mutual benefits to all parties can be discussed. This is the benefit of market economy and a new manner exploring of strategic innovation.
  In order to ensure the commercial viability of the next generation scientific and technological developments, we must actively explore the possibility of close alliances, rather than avoid reality and isolate ourselves. We must ensure the development of new technologies have a positive return on investment. Geely has invested in emerging mobility services, such as CAOCAO ride hailing platform, which uses over 16,000 EVs to provide taxi services in more than 20 cities in China and have been warmly received by the market. However expanding such services internationally must be carefully done, investment needs to be rewarded, and carelessly expanding while burning money is not a wise path to take. We don’t believe the so-called Internet thinking is a cure-all.
  From Shanghai to San Francisco and even further, the main challenge our industry face lies in how to manage change in this era in a sustainable and profitable manner. We must be able to seek synergy, generate economies of scale, and reduce risks while respecting brand independence and management autonomy. At the same time, shareholder return must be improved along with the stability of employees, while protecting product differentiation and respecting property rights.
  Collaboration does not pose a threat to the strategic independence of individual companies, instead it is the reality that has permeated throughout the 100-year history of the automotive industry. Take supply chain for example: Over 50 years ago, some auto makers were still manufacturing their own glass and steel, today there is no auto maker doing the same. Twenty years ago, some companies believed that vertical integration was needed to provide a product portfolio that ranges from high-end to mass-market. Today, cross-enterprise alliances achieve the same effect. Ten years ago, some national governments identified diesel as the best fuel for emission reduction, today it is gradually being abandoned.
  We should not put “Internet thinking” on a pedestal, but we also must not ignore the future of the internet. We cannot overly depend on the internet, but we must still face reality and seize opportunities of the times and develop related technologies in a pragmatic manner so as to create a competitive advantage in automotive mobile technologies. The 21st century is a time of technological revolution, industrial transformation, and rethinking of commercial models. The auto industry cannot avoid its destiny. The platform economy is the trend of the times. Consumers can only be gained through digital platforms. Whoever wins with their platform wins the future. In my opinion, in the future, the auto industry will be dominated by those traditional auto makers who were aware of this threat. Only when everyone joins together to create a shared digital platform will we obtain an online advantage, this will be the key to the future.
  The global automobile industry is now divided into three distinct forms; the first form is the company that actively adapts to the changes in the industry, and has the ability to promote change. The second form is the one that insists on traditional thinking and doesn’t actively change or want to change. The new force of car making is the third form of car company. It is too early to say who among these three forms will win, but it is fairly certain that the continuation of traditional thinking is very difficult in the auto industry.
  The winds of industrial change will be blowing through the Beijing Auto Show this month and people will clearly see it in the low-emission vehicles exhibited by Volvo, Geely, and Lynk & Co. Each of our brand managers know that development in the Chinese market cannot replace long-term investment in breakthrough technologies and services.
  By respecting each other’s cooperation and recognizing each other’s independence, we have created a new way to embrace change. Although risks still exists, as long as there are frank discussions conducted in accordance to all law and regulations and transparently, we will be able to find a way to share mutual benefits, develop sustainability within the auto industry, and give better returns to investors.



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