汽车热管理系统接关系整车可靠性、安全性、舒适性与能耗水平。相较于传统汽车,新能源汽车热管理系统新增冷却板、电池冷却器、电子水泵、电子膨胀阀、 PTC加热器或热泵系统等,核心产品价值量从2230元提升至6410元左右。据预测,到2025年中国新能源汽车热管理系统市场规模将超500亿元。热管理系统市场正成为新能源汽车新蓝海,发展空间巨大。
2022年4月14日-15日 / 中国上海
l 20+家业内领先企业情报分享
l 100+名参会代表
l 与业内领军人物及前沿企业进行现场交流
l 线上线下同期推广,增加品牌曝光度
l 新能源汽车热管理市场的现状和趋势
l 新能源汽车热管理系统的开发和能源消耗优化
l 新一代新能源汽车热管理系统的材料
l 迎接电气化浪潮——如何开发集成化、智能化的热管理系统
l 新能源汽车热管理集成化解决方案
l 低碳汽车电气化动力系统的热管理
l 新能源汽车绝缘栅双极型晶体管(IGBT)热管理
l 混合动力汽车热管理发展的路线图
l 电池热失控的安全设计和管理原则
联系人: Wes Wei
电话:+86 21 8026 0707-803
The 3rd China NEV Thermal Management Innovation Summit 2022
Summit Background
Automotive thermal management system is related to vehicle reliability, safety, comfort and energy consumption level. Compared with ICEV, NEV thermal management system added cooling plate, battery chiller, electronic water pump, electronic expansion valve, PTC heater or heat pump system, and the value of core products increased from 2,230 CNY to about 6,410 CNY. It is predicted that the market size of China's new energy vehicle thermal management system will exceed 50 billion CNY by 2025. The market of thermal management system is becoming a new blue ocean for new energy vehicles with huge development space.
The 3rd China NEV Thermal Management Innovation Summit 2022 will focus on the NEV Thermal Management under the target of “Emission Peak and Neutrality”, combine with best practice of vehicle TMS development, discuss on integrated thermal management, battery liquid cooling, direct cooling, CO2-based heat pump AC, future refrigerant, waste heat recovery and other hot topics, aim to provide new reference for NEV thermal management R&D and accelerate towards an electric car future.
Summit Time/ Address
April 14-15, 2022/Shanghai, China
The Current State and Trend of NEV Thermal Management Market
Development and Energy Consumption Optimization of NEV Thermal Management System
Embracing the Electrification Wave --- How to Develop an Integrated and Intelligent Thermal Management System
Pressure and Temperature(P+T)Sensors for TMS Control and Monitoring
Thermal Management of Electrified Propulsion System for Low-Carbon Vehicles
The Road Map for HEV Thermal Management Development
Safety Design and Management Principles for Battery Thermal Runaway
Energy-saving Solution for Battery Direct Cooling in the Carbon Neutral Era
Immersion Cooling System for Faster Charging of Electric Cars
Official website of the summit: http://www.ecvinternational.com/ThermalManagement/cn.html
Contacts: Wes Wei
Phone: +86 -21 - 8026 0707 ext 803
地址:北京市丰台区五圈南路30号院1号楼D座3层302室 邮编:100160 电话:010-63429223 E-mail:autoreview@caam.org.cn
《汽车纵横》杂志社有限公司 京ICP备17066428号-2