Oliver Zipse(齐普策):宝马计划到2030年将碳排放量降低三分之一

  2021年1月15-17日,中国电动汽车百人会论坛(2021)在北京钓鱼台国宾馆举办。本届百人会论坛以“新发展格局与汽车产业变革”为主题,广泛邀请政府有关部门和汽车、能源、交通、城市、通讯等领域的行业机构和领先企业代表,就涉及政策、技术、市场等方面重点议题展开深度研讨。其中,在1月16日上午举办的“国际论坛:碳达峰与碳中和目标下的汽车与交通转型”上,宝马集团董事长Oliver Zipse(齐普策)发表精彩演讲。以下内容为现场演讲实录:

宝马集团董事长Oliver Zipse(齐普策)

  Oliver Zipse(齐普策):Dear President Chen,尊敬的陈理事长;Distinguished audience,尊敬的各位来宾:
  A very warm “hello” from Munich – and thank you for the opportunity to speak at the EV100 Global Summit.
  Just a few weeks ago, we delivered the first BMW iX3 to our customers in China. It is our latest fully electric model. We are producing it in Shenyang, and we are looking forward to exporting it globally.
  几周前,我们刚向中国的客户交付了首批BMW iX3。这是宝马最新款纯电动车型,在沈阳生产制造,并将面向全球出口。
  In 2020, we were delighted to attract more customers in China than ever before.  China has managed the global Corona crisis very well.
  And I would like to highlight the huge efforts and support by all authorities and also our partners who have made this possible, especially in the automotive industry.
  The economic growth in China has been accompanied by a firm commitment to sustainability.
  We are encouraged that President Xi has announced that China will achieve the goals of carbon peak before 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. The BMW Group fully supports these goals.
  Already today, China boasts some of the world’s leading battery manufacturers and is also rapidly expanding its renewable energy sources. This development underlines that sustainability is far more than a short-term trend. In the long run, it will lead to superior solutions in technology and ensure lasting prosperity.
  At the BMW Group, we share this mindset. By taking decisive action today, we are securing the future. That’s why we have made sustainability and resource efficiency central to our company’s strategic direction.
  We will prove:
  Sustainability goes hand in hand with business excellence.
  In 2020 already, we were named automotive leader of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and the Carbon Disclosure Project.
  So today, I would like to briefly share our vision and practices on sustainability. Three things are important:
  First: We need substantial targets and transparent reporting of progress.
  Second: We need to take action across the entire value chain, from the vehicle’s “cradle to grave”. This requires cross-sector collaboration.
  And third: Sustainable products have to be desirable – because this is the best incentive for customers.
  To the first point: Transparent and substantial targets.
  BMW is a technology-driven company. We want to advance climate protection by technological progress.
  This means: All our targets imply substantial greenhouse gas reductions rather than mere compensation measures.
  And we want to act now and today, in a period of time that we can actively influence.
  By 2030, we want to reduce the lifecycle emissions per vehicle by at least one third compared to 2019. Our baseline is an average of 52 tons CO2 equivalent per vehicle.
  At the same time, we want to greatly increase the share of secondary material in our vehicles.
  With these targets, we are not only reducing CO2 and conserving resources. We are also saving costs through efficiency.
  This creates a long-term win-win situation. We believe that the best sustainability solutions also have to make economic sense.
  Starting this year, our annual report will also provide transparency about the progress towards our sustainability targets, in addition to information on our business development.
  And to underscore our commitment, target fulfilment is also a factor in the compensation of our executive management.
  My second point is collaboration and our efforts across the entire value chain.
  Without any measures, our CO2 footprint in the supply chain would increase by 40% per vehicle over the next 10 years.
  This is due to the rising number of electrified vehicles and the big amounts of energy required to create batteries.
  We want to initiate the trend reversal and even lower CO2 by 20% compared to 2019.
  This is only possible in mutual agreement and collaboration with our partners. One of them is CATL.
  Our strong cooperation initiated CATL’s expansion to Germany.
  With CATL and all of our other battery suppliers, we have agreed to only use electricity from renewable sources in battery manufacturing.
  This alone saves 10 million tons of CO2 until 2030.
  In our own production, we want to achieve a substantial 80% CO2 reduction with efficiency measures and renewable energies. We want to show what is possible in this field.
  And we are very proud that our Shenyang plants are already among the first to be recognized as China’s “National Green Plant”.
  In the use phase of our vehicles, we want to cut emissions by 40%. This year alone, we want to sell 100,000 fully electric vehicles.
  And by 2030, we want to have more than 7 million electrified vehicles on the road worldwide. Fitted with our self-developed and high-performance electric drivetrain. This includes models like the all electric
  • BMW iX,
  • the i4,
  • an electric 7 series, 5 series and an X1
  • or the electric MINI which we are going to produce together with Great Wall in China.
  计划到2030年在全球范围内新能源汽车的销量超过700万辆,包括配备宝马自行开发的高性能电力驱动系统的纯电动车型:BMW iX,i4,电动7系、5系、还有X1,当然还包括我们即将和长城集团一起在华生产的电动版MINI。
  We know: Electro mobility can only be successful when customers are able to recharge their vehicles conveniently. We are strongly supporting the build-up of charging infrastructure.
  In China, BMW customers can already access 270,000 charging points today, and this number must and will increase along with the number of electric vehicles on the road.
  When a vehicle reaches the end of its life, it still contains many valuable resources for second use. Together with a German recycling specialist, we have developed a method that allows to reuse more than 97% of battery materials without burning them. Ideally, we will achieve an almost fully closed material circle in the future.
  My third and last point is the most important: Sustainable products have the biggest impact when they can inspire customers and find strong demand.
  For the most part, customers are not willing to sacrifice functionality or pay a big premium for sustainability.
  对于大多数客户而言,他们并不愿意为了可持续性而让渡功能性或是支付大价钱。Our main task in the automotive industry is to create superior products that fulfill all needs and at the same time, are desirable.
  In November last year, we presented the BMW iX for the first time. It sets a new benchmark for innovation in electric and digital cars. I’ve driven it myself many times and it is truly something else.
  我们在去年11月推出了BMW iX首秀。它为电动数字汽车创新树立了新标杆。我自己开过这款车,的确令人耳目一新。
  • It has outstanding digital functions: More computing power, better sensor technology and 5G connectivity. And of course, over-the-air updates.
  • 杰出的数据处理能力:作为首款使用5G技术的BMW车型,iX有着更强大的运算功能、更灵活的感应科技,当然还有便捷的云更新服务。
  • The user experience is intelligent and intuitive. The tech is invisible, but always there when you need it. We call this shy tech.
  • 用户体验智能而人性。置身车中,技术藏于无形,却总在你需要它时彰显效力,我们把它称之为“Shy Tech”——隐形创新科技。
  • The interior is minimalistic, classy and spacious.
  • 内饰设计遵循极简主义理念,却不失时尚、宽敞。
  For me, vehicles like the BMW iX prove:
  于我而言,BMW iX正是证明了
  Sustainability does not have to mean going without comfort and joy.
  They fit perfectly together.
  In China alone, more than one thousand of our developers are working on next level mobility solutions. This also involves cooperation with major tech partners like Tencent or Alibaba.
  Ladies and Gentlemen,
  In 2021, China will implement its next “Five Year Plan”.
  From our perspective, it is key:
  • To continue to take decisive action – for example building up charging infrastructure.
  • To collaborate across industries to achieve maximum progress.
  • And to provide smart incentives that help the NEV market to grow further.
  On that note, I wish you an insightful Global Summit. I look forward to visiting China again in the near future. Thank you.

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