David Sweet:全系列电动化车型助力碳中和目标实现

2021年6月17日-19日,由中国汽车工业协会主办的第11届中国汽车论坛在上海嘉定举办。站在新五年起点上,本届论坛以“新起点 新战略 新格局——推动汽车产业高质量发展”为主题,设置“1场闭门峰会+1个大会论坛+2个中外论坛+12个主题论坛”,全面集聚政府主管领导、全球汽车企业领袖、汽车行业精英,共商汽车强国大计,落实国家提出的“碳达峰、碳中和”战略目标要求,助力构建“双循环”新发展格局。其中,在6月19日上午举办的主题论坛“中瑞汽车产业可持续发展论坛”上,沃尔沃汽车亚太区战略与项目管理副总裁David Sweet发表了致辞。以下内容为现场演讲实录:

Dear Mr. Fu, distinguished guests and peers,


Good morning and welcome to today’s China-Sweden Forum. I’m David Sweet from Volvo Car Asia Pacific and I feel so happy to be here today and meet all of you.


First of all, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations on the opening of 2021 China Auto Forum. Of course, this is one of the most recognized platforms organized by CAAM (China Association of Automobile Manufactures) for technology display and knowledge exchanges for auto engineers and experts. 


As we come back from the pandemic, the auto industry is also undergoing significant and profound changes. It brings us both new challenges and opportunities. As a company with its roots in Sweden, Volvo Cars is honored to co-host today’s China-Sweden forum for an in-depth exchange of views on a sustainable future of the whole industry and society.


I hope that all of you will also be able to freely discuss and contribute your ideas to this topic afterwards.


Environmental protection and sustainability are the cornerstones for our long-term growth. Actually Volvo Cars have an industry-leading heritage in sustainability.


In 1972, we made our first environmental declaration at the UN’s first Environment Conference. In 1976, we made an extraordinary breakthrough by introducing our three-way catalytic converter with the Lambda sond sensor. In 2017, we became the first established auto maker to commit to all-out electrification.


Our purpose is to provide freedom to move in a personal, safe and sustainable fashion. This viewpoint has led us to create many innovations and technological advances, and we will continue to do so in the future.


To address challenges in energy and environment, China’s President announced in 2020 that carbon emissions will begin to decline from 2030, carbon neutrality will be achieved by 2060. This sets the backdrop to make sustainability high on the agenda for the auto industry.

为了应对能源和环境方面的挑战,中国国家主席于 2020 年发布了2030年碳达峰、2060年碳中和的目标。这为中国汽车行业把可持续发展提上议程奠定了基础。

As early as 2019, we announced one of the most ambitious plan in the industry to become a climate-neutral company by 2040. Developments since then show that our plan has been forward looking and ambitious.

早在 2019 年,我们就发布了汽车行业最为雄心勃勃的环保计划之一,即力求在2040年之前将公司发展成为全球气候零负荷标杆企业。之后的发展表明,我们的计划具有充分的前瞻性和进取性。

To achieve our ambition, our efforts go beyond addressing tailpipe emissions through complete electrification. We also strive to tackle carbon emissions in our manufacturing network, operations, supply chain and through recycling and reuse of materials. Besides, we want to become a recognized leader in ethical and responsible business.


In March this year, we moved a step forward by offering a timetable on full electrification, business model innovation and climate neutrality. By 2025, we aim for 50% of our global sales to be fully electric cars, before we reach the all-in point by 2030.

今年3月,我们为全面电气化、商业模式创新和气候零负荷进一步设定了时间表,向前迈进了重要一步。到2025 年,我们的目标是全球销售的50%是纯电动汽车,到2030年我们致力于成为纯电豪华车企。

Since 2010, China has been our second-biggest market, and it is now our largest as well as the engine for growth. We give top priority to sustainability as we expand in China. We are acting quicky to introduce our full range of electric cars to Chinese consumers. On top of that, the electricity powering our plants in Chengdu and Daqing is now 100% renewable. We are also an industry leader in water treatment, emissions reduction in manufacturing, as well as waste sorting and recycling.


As a forum today is such an excellent platform for cross-industry communication and knowledge sharing. Volvo Cars hopes to use this platform to further enhance communication and collaboration with our partners from all walks of life, and jointly contribute to the sustainable development of the auto industry and the entire society. Our purpose is to deliver the freedom to move in a personal, sustainable and safe way.


Lastly, I wish the conference great success. Thank you! 


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